Here’s a list.
- Making funny faces: There is a potential stand up comedian / clown hiding in each of us
- Inventing new games: You think Twister was invented when someone saw coloured dots after he fell down the stairs? I hope not
- Writing comics: As much as all our famous cartoonists would probably deny, all their creations have stemmed out of sheer, extreme boredom
- Practising scenes from movies: What other valid reason for theatre anyway!
- Staring at a fly on the wall: The fly population owes boredom one
- Shadow talking: If only they could talk back to us. (Source of inspiration for most horror films)
- Thinking up ways of Armageddon and how we will save the world: (Steven Spielberg and James Cameron were at the moment-to-kill-self-due-to-boredom before their phenomenal movie scripts took birth)
- The way we would die: (EVERYONE has outplayed this scene in their imagination, for countless number of times. Movie Directors are lucky to get other people act it out for them)
- This blog: (What! Why are you reading this then? Cos you’re bored? Refer to Line 1 :P)
You are really bored now, arent you?
P.S- I usually listen to music and imagine myself performing in front of 10000 people.
good one...i imagine how i wud tke revenge on my enemies or mke them damn jealous n sorry they ever pissed me :D
I am reading it to please my bore friend ani.
nice stuff Anita....keep it going!!!
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